More Sowing and Planting
May Garden Report
In the beginning of the month sunrise is at 5.51 am and sundown at 20.06 pm. At the end of the month a day is 15.12 hours long. It is too dry for this month and also cold. Only last week we have mostly each day rain. Temperatures are from 5C to 22C.
New plants in the garden:
FLOWERS: zinnia, Californian poppy, lupines, dianthus barbatus, tagetes patula, capuchin flower, sun flower, marigold …
HERBS: chervil, chamomile, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, laurel, basil, coriander, valerian, laurel, rosemary, satureja, lavender, dill, coriander, and sage
VEGETABLES: eggplant, tomato, corn, butter pumpkin, cucurbite di Toskana, cucurbite mosschata de Provence, beans, New Zealand spinach (tetragonia tetragonides), different kind of kales, mangold, red cabbage, and again leek and turnip-cabbage.
For eating I have spring lettuce, radish, asparagus, spinach, turnip-cabbage, leek, cress, chervil, parsley and strawberries.
Against lice I spray bean and broad bean with milk and water mixture and I plant around them satureja hortensis. With snails story is continuing. Caterpillars I pick with hand. Against grasshoppers I am powerless.
I have also good animals: blindworms, hedgehogs, lizards, birds, a toad and also a snake.
In our city is interesting artistic gardening organisation ONKRAJ GRADBISCA which organise London festival Chelsea Fringe in Ljubljana.
In Celje another initiative is ZELEMENJAVA by artist Andreja Džakušič for exchanging plants,…
My way of gardening is different from artistic one. I try to get enough products from my garden. Against mischief-maker I am more radical as you can see. I am also suspicious about all new advices for good organic gardening. For example: for my country I find out two completely differed calendars for planting.
milena wrote on Jun 23:
Thank you for information. Artists’ gardening seems very popular. I try to have real garden.
shinobu wrote on Jun 19:
Look, I noticed we have our own "artistic gardening" which is partly funded by our arts council
milena kosec wrote on Jun 8:
In the garden 5 to 7 cats came but grasshoppers are in hundreds. Also birds catch them sometimes.
shinobu wrote on Jun 1:
our cats sometimes catch and eat grasshoppers!