I just realised that it is very close to the end of my Hiatus period! and I feel like I have not been sharing what I’m doing enough.
To be fair, the last month’s entire focus has been work related, which will soon become the March Meeting, so I don’t really have much to share except to tell everyone to look forward to it and if you happen in be in Sharjah or the UAE then do come attend some of the talks!
I am dreading having to be the presenter for the March Meeting though, the thought of having to be on stage introducing speakers and panels while my face looks like the personification of death terrifies me. But I’ll probably just do it.
In other news, my mother was here for a week, and just flew out this afternoon, so I’ve been spending some time with her when I can, mostly arguing over our generational gap and trying to explain that a fork in the road is not synoymous with the utensil. She also couldn’t come to terms with the idea that not having to belong to a place is quit normal… and that took an unsuccessful 2 hours.
In other other news, I scratched my car, while in the parking, going really slowly. So now I’m car-less for a week while it gets repaired, because it takes the workshop three days to get insurance approval and another three to do the job.
And finaly, in other other other news, I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to proceed after the end of RFOAH… and have reached no concensus amoung my thoughts. RFOAH has been a very reassuring place, if virtual, and I’m trying to incorporate that sense of reassurance into whatever it is I move on to do, but that has proven very difficult since effective reassurance tends to always be external.
Please excuse my typos, and I still owe this page several scanned pages from my note book which I always forget to take to work.