Final days
Whoa, there’s less than a week left until the end of July 2017, and the end of RFAOH’s third year! As always, we have to deal with this overwhelming melancholy but maybe it is a good thing that our term ends in mid summer when the bright sun may cheer us up a little.
RFAOH office had an eventful and exciting May, and June and July have been all about getting back to other sides of reality, dealing with things like taxes, day jobs, or family matters. Yes, this is all excuse for our no posts in a while, but how non-artsy occurrences take up so much time and energy, and we understand 100%, the frustration (and guilt, perhaps) over “non-production” that anyone out there in whichever the artworld may go through. On top of that, our residents have to report their “on-hiatus” stuff. They cannot even just rest. How brutal is that??
And here we are, rather late but sharing some news since our last one in May. First and foremost, we have had four residents finish their hiatus at RFAOH — Rob decided to leave his term two months early as “…the little green man appeared and urged him forward” — to resume his art practice, we presume. His final report is chock-full with metaphor and ambiguity that is so Rob, until the very end. Meanwhile, George did not leave early but sort of disappeared as the end of the running season approached, and he started to take up many other interesting things that may be art or not art he told us in his final report. It sounds super exciting. Then, Wayne‘s term ended at the same time as he graduated from his MFA program (how ironic is it?) and Lee, who’s term also ended on June 30th, had to come back in July to post one last report, which, she had hoped to be a “…grand-finale type post about how everything is getting on track and I’m ready to spread my wings and excited to dance back into the ‘art world’”. Was it? You go check it out. Their final reports should be coming soon as well. After these four, plus Joyce who must be in full-swing right now in her brewing course at Oregon U, only Ramla and Marisa remain, getting ready (or not ready) for the end of their residencies. Listing our 2016/17 residents here now, we are once again reminded of our amazing cohort this year and feel super fortunate to have had them. And, it’s not quite over yet! Please make sure that you are connected with us in some way, so that you won’t miss any upcoming news from RFAOH. The future of “artists on hiatus” and our expanding community needs your continued attention and support!
What else has happened? Please read our belated June report in which we reflect once again on “the whole world + art = the whole world” through rather personal anecdotes.