The End is Nigh!
I just looked at the calendar and realized that my time in RFAOH is drawing very quickly to a close. I only have 2 more days in which to not make art!!
Instead of art, these last few weeks since my last entry here, I have been doing a lot of “research”—social research, ethnographic research, and regular old research. I just finished a 4 day run of non-performances, where I used realtime online dating apps to try to lure people to see public art.
Then I started some work as an “artistic ethnographer”, attending meetings about the arts in my city and gathering data/documenting/intervening creatively.
Now I’m gathering some information for the first artist’s talk I’ll be giving in over six months on the evening of the 23rd (a few hours after my residency officially ends), and am about to go deliver the first framed-on-the-wall work I can remember showing ever for an exhibit that opens on the 24th (don’t worry, I made it before I started RFHAO!)
I’m not sure what I should say here and what I should leave for my final report, but I guess I want to note that whether it was coincidence or not, it feels like what has happened here is that by trying with all my might not to make art for six months, I somehow catapulted myself into a state where every aspect and moment of my life is now steeped in art to a degree that it never has been before. It’s like I was holding my breath and trying to stay underwater for as long as possible, and then noticed at some point that instead of holding my breath, I was just underwater and getting oxygen wasn’t really a problem. The new problem is that being underwater means having to swim all the time.
Now that I understand it better, I want to do the residency again someday and really not go anywhere near art. Except the funny thing is that when I think about what that would mean—when I imagine taking a real retreat from the pace of things set by this new state of non-stop-art-immersion I’ve found myself in—the first thing I think is: maybe I could teach myself watercolors or something. So right now, even an imagined genuine break/vacation from art, involves art making!