Still Rainy Weather
August Garden report
In the beginning of the month sunrise is at 5.48 am and sundown at 20.28 pm. At the end of the month a day is 13.14urs long. It keeps raining. Days seem shorter as it is by calendar. Usually they are dusky. Average temperatures are from 14C in the morning to 22C or less through day. Less than five days are really hot and sunny. We had also two really big showers.
With garden I haven’t much work. It is no need for dropping at all. Also weeds grow slowly. But new brood of snails is everywhere in thousands. It seems that every stalk of grass has its own little snail. Against them I use all my methods.
I put in beds my own plants of radicchio, cicely and endive, seeds: spinach, winter lettuce and buying seeds: spinach, radish, lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella locusta). I collect new seeds of dill and chamomile.
For eating I have all season vegetable except tomato, cucumber and paprika, which I have to buy. I have to buy also fruits. In the garden I have only one apple tree with a lot of apples this year. For next year I am planning one or two more fruit trees and blackberry. This year planted raspberry will have for eating next year I hope.
This month recipe:
We suffocate small pieces of pumpkin (moschata or butter) with garlic and basil. Separately we cook spelt. Than we mix both together with stamped egg, salt and pepper. We displace all in baking tin, scrape over cheese and bake it.
milena kosec wrote on Sep 5: We eat small leafs as salad (also with eggs or potato or beans).
shinobu wrote on Sep 3:
I had to google "lamb's lettuce" and still don't really know what it is