14_0418 post 148
Below is the first draft of what I’m doing for SAF (look at previous posts for more info on why). By mining twitter + Instagram for materials to form my piece of writing (+ testing my discipline only to “touch” them as minimum as I can), I’m attacking two questions I’ve had in my mind for awhile:
1) Can ubiquitous mobile gadgets (I’m talking actually only about phones + tablets) be utilized to their fullest extent to become productive tools, instead of only consumptive ones? I use the term productive here in a more broad, intellectual sense, not only economical—in a sense as tools for knowledge production, to use the popular term, which I am always hesitant to do these days. Thinking like big-data owners, there are certain form of data can only be gathered by these gadgets. They are giving birth to a certain new aesthetic that we can reflect on what reality we are experiencing today. These tools are totally ideological. They are (at least trying their best to be) transparent on everything but themselves.
2) Is there any value on making certain research process transparent to anyone who’s willing to see? Will it foster happy accidents + discussions, replacing the burden of individual authorship with commons, and in the end let a new form to emerge organically (in this sense, I’m arguing for my consideration of what I’m presenting here right now as an unedited piece of writing)? Isn’t then social media channels are the best to do so? Wouldn’t then we’d be asking different questions on privacy, unlike what we’re struggling with today? Can it be that we’ve been sharing the wrong stuffs (personal data) + hiding the important ones (ideas) for so long?
Again, these are questions I find difficult to answer, therefore worthwhile to dwell on. Some of you might find them ridiculous, but I hope you still can enjoy this work in progress.
shinobu wrote on Apr 18:
I have questions: Q1 - so all these Instagram photos are also directly from (or related to) the SAF? Are you talking specifically about this past March Meeting or SAF in general? (I cannot possible click all the links over the 90 page documents - very rigorous! Q2 - is this art, is this writing, none the above, or wtf, do we care? Q3 - are we following each other?? @_RFAOH