14_0315 post 118
Because I’m a firm believer of the use of waiting aka procrastination. I had some great insights today about education, but I’m going to suspend the excitement for a little bit more by keeping it only to myself for now. Excuse: “inspired by John Cage.”
In 1985 John Cage wrote ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) without specifying exactly how slowly it should be played. Performances have ranged from 8 to 24 hours, and a 639-year performance is currently taking place in St. Burchardi church in Halberstadt, Germany. What is surely the world’s slowest and longest concert began in 2001 with a 17-month rest. A special organ designed to last at least until the end of the performance in 2640 is currently playing a chord consisting of d♯′, a♯′, e″ and the next scheduled change in sound will take place in September 2020. (Photo courtesy of John-Cage-Orgel-Stiftung Halberstadt.)
via Works that Work