Winter Is Coming
Happy New Year to all!
December Garden Report
In the beginning of the month sunrise is at 7.42 am and sundown at 16.18 pm. At the end of the month a day is about 8.40 hours long. December was cold in first half with temperature about zero or less. In the second half it was warmer. In the last part of December we used to have some snow in the past years but this time we had similar weather as in November with temperatures from 4C to 10C. Too warm.
In the garden I didn’t do anything. I just gathered radicchio from the bed for every day salad. Instead of practical gardening I worked hard on theoretical field. The most interesting book I red was Holzer Permaculture by Sepp Holzer. Author is Austrian mountainous farmer on farm KRAMETERHOF (1100m – 1500m high) with forty years of praxis. In the book I really find a lot of important practical advices for better and easier gardening, for healthier food.Two other books which I read: Misa Pusenjak: Moj ekovrt (My Ecogarden) and Kornelija Benyovsky Sostaric: Zeleni kvadrat –zdravje iz organskega vrta (Green square – health from organic garden) are very good manuals for everyday use. But Holzer is more radical. He would never buy something which he can produce by himself.
I also look on internet about some actual health problems with GMOs food. So I find out my residency work as very important and good decision. Follow and you will agree with me.
milena wrote on Jan 12:
I cook as simple as it is possible. Any green salad I eat with olive oil (sometimes with pumpkin oil), citron juice or apple vinegar, small amount of yogurt, a clove of garlic and salt. Sometimes I add cooked eggs or potatoes or beans and green spices. In spring and summer time I usually add eating flowers: violet, primrose...
Maciej wrote on Jan 5:
I am sucker for good food and I cook a lot. How do you like to prepare your radicchio salad?