13_1227 post 57
“Andy Warhol once said that to make money is an art; if only to ask for it was an art that I mastered.”
—Eva Franch i Gilabert, in the Storefront for Art + Architecture’s end-of-the-year e-blast 2013: Dramas, Dreams and D…, received December 26, 1:26 AM WIB
On money. These last few days have been about end-of-the-year meetings, formal + informal. In Universitas Indonesia (UI), most of them are casual with colleagues + prospective collaborators. In ruangrupa (RURU), yesterday was the official evaluation, although it happened to be more relaxed than what I had with those educators. One thing those meetings have in common: mullah as a responsibility (translated as numbers in report sheets) + means for sustainability (future funding strategies). Things that used to drive me crazy have begun to be endurable. Positive sign or corruption’s on the horizon?