13_1216 post 46
1.30pm – On a train going from Sudirman to Tebet. The AC is off. One could only guess why. “Isn’t it nice to be able to go home around this time? So we can have more time… for… uh, family and stuff”, I eavesdropped. A middle-aged male passenger said the line to the person next to him while sitting down after getting on Manggarai station.
It got me thinking on when I last saw my biological family. It seems like months the last time I saw my parents. Yesterday Mom called, asking whether I had the time to join her + Dad for lunch. I was in a different part of town. She continued by forwarding me this birthday party invitation of a distance relative closer to where I was. It was in an area I always avoid. It’s not easily reachable using public transport, + on weekends, the traffic around it is cray as a result. I didn’t even reply.
This is mumbling, but reflecting back my decision not to start a family of myself (at least not in the near future—a decision still considered strange here) was induced by my not having time other than for myself. It’s a productivity-based decision. I honestly can’t remember when I came up with that decision. Following this trajectory of thought, maybe it’s the best on-hiatus proposal ever: to raise a family. That could be an interesting (art) project. Ha.