13_1104 post 4
A WTF Visualizations worth of an ad.
Got in an empty class (big thanks to the Moslem’s New Year holiday tomorrow). Only 2 students (out of 20-something) showed up. Both (by the sample, it’s safe to say that ALL) of them got confused by the assignment I gave last week. They got paralyzed by the large degree of freedom the assignment gave them (I didn’t tell them to do specifics, just gave them a set of rules to follow), + decided not to do finish it. Me + my teaching partner gave them extra 3-hours (which supposed to be a presentation + discussion time—as the point of the assignment is the discussion it should have provoked) to finish + submit. I felt like a failure + have been dwelling on this problem in my own head for the rest of the day.
On my way back home, I took one bus stop before my regular one, as I needed to fix the sole of my left boots (I’ve been wearing boots lately since it’s entered rainy season). This pair has lasted for at least 13 years. The seller (a really nice old chap with a really photogenic skin tone—look at the photos below, would you agree?) mumbled something when I asked how much I owed him. I took it as, “whatever you deem fit.” I gave him a Rp20,000 bill (± 2 USD), and he gave me back Rp10,000. I didn’t know that there’s still a service that costs so little in this gentrifying city.
Passed my today’s deadline, since that paralyzing feeling is indeed contagious. I asked for an extension + got approved (well, my editor offered an extension even on Friday, so I felt entitled to ask for one anyway). Hoping to meet it tomorrow, as it’s a holiday. Fingers crossed.
A presumed Chinese-Arab family that gave me a glimmer of hope